New space in the new year

January 17, 2013

Though I’m a few months late with this update, I’m still very excited about my new studio space, located in The Banana Stand.  After moving out of Badlands in November, I reached out to Louie and Aaron, who run the joint, to ask if they were interested in some sort of partnership.  I had been helping to record and mix some of their live shows for a few months by then, and it seemed like a natural fit.  They were down, and I packed up my gear + acoustic treatment into a rental van.  Since moving into their space, I’ve worked with a few artists including Towering Trees and Booth Wilson (formerly of Support Force.)

Louie and Aaron put a lot of thought into the space at The Banana Stand.  It’s a large room, so it’s easy for a full band to set up and track live.  There are a ton of acoustic panels to tame reflections and tighten up the low end response.  The lighting is mellow and easy to adjust to suit the artist’s taste.  And just a few minutes away, there’s a burrito spot and a craft beer bottle shop.  Can’t ask for much more than that.

The change in acoustics from Badlands was a big adjustment, and we’ll be making some upgrades to the mix position in the next month or so, but so far I’m loving the new digs.  I’ve got some exciting equipment upgrades coming in the next few months as well, so things will get even more fun pretty soon.

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