Recent projects

May 3, 2013

In the past few months I’ve completed work on a lot of exciting projects, and some of them have been released or will be released shortly.

Sand MTN – in real time // bandcamp

I met Booth (Sand MTN) through working with Support Force.  He told me he was working on an album and wanted some help recording it.  He’d been working on the songs for a long time, and was feeling ready to release them.  We started recording at Badlands, and over the next year worked at a delierate pace, adding layers and crafting new arrangements.  The final mixes (going to mastering next week) are a blend of Booth’s home recordings, the original Badlands tracks, and overdubs done at The Banana Stand.  Booth’s vision for his music is focused yet curious, and while his own process of working is different from my own, I think our two styles complement each other well.  He’s become a great friend and I’m excited to hear the songs he has for the next record.

Listen to an unmastered version of “Receiver”:

U SCO – NEST // bandcamp

Ryan, Jon, and Phil tracked three songs for this at Badlands last year, and put it out a while ago.  I’ve just been slow to post it.  As you can hear, they’re all incredible musicians.  We tracked basics live (drums, bass, and guitar with two amps), and my challenge was to maintain clarity on all the instruments without sacrificing the energy and power of their performances.  Also to protect my hearing, cause they are insanely loud.  I love it.

Other recent work includes a full length from Towering Trees (release forthcoming), an EP from the young guns in Mister Tang (mixing this weekend!), an EP for new band Earring Aid, and tracking for a full length Anna Hoone record.  Plus some assisting work for Partisan Records and Marmoset Music.  More details on those when they’re released.

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